Knollenberg Delivers: Restores Full Funding for Job-Creating MEP

Press Release

Date: June 25, 2008

Today the House Appropriations Committee considered the FY2009 Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill. The Committee accepted an amendment offered by Congressman Joe Knollenberg (MI-9) to restore full funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership, a vital economic program for Michigan's small manufacturers. Knollenberg issued the following statement:

"I'm pleased the Committee has accepted my amendment to restore full funding for MEP. Dramatically under-funding MEP was completely unacceptable to me and unacceptable for this country's manufacturers and workers.

"Small manufacturers employ more than 10 million Americans. I have 1,500 small manufacturing firms in my district alone. MEP is a proven program that helps small American manufacturers compete in an increasingly competitive global marketplace. We should do everything we can to help these firms, the backbone of our American economy, grow and succeed. This is all the more true when we face economic hardships, as we have in Michigan for some years and as we're starting to see nationwide.

"MEP is a program that works and works well. It helps companies improve their efficiency, productivity and profitability. I will lead the charge against any opposition, whether it is from President Bush or my fellow Appropriators, to ensure that MEP is fully funded. It is simply that important to protecting jobs and growing our economy."

Knollenberg indicated two weeks ago that he would offer an amendment to the Appropriations bill to fully-fund MEP. Early this morning, the Committee notified Congressman Knollenberg that his amendment would be accepted by the Democratic Chairman.

MEP is a national program that helps small manufacturers streamline their operations to maximize efficiency, productivity, and profitability. This allows firms to create high-paying jobs and more effectively compete in the global marketplace. (Learn more about MEP at

In fiscal year 2007 alone, MEP helped to create or retain over 52,000 jobs, generate more than $6.765 billion in sales, and stimulate more than $1.65 billion in economic growth. In Michigan alone, MEP has helped to create or retain 9,971 jobs since 1999 and spurred $922.1 million in investments.
Knollenberg offered testimony highlighting MEP's successes in southeast Michigan earlier this year. It is available online at:

A small business owner, PTA president, homeowner association president, and parish leader, Congressman Joe Knollenberg has been a citizen leader in Oakland County for the better part of three decades. He was first elected to Congress in 1992 and is a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee.
