Is Brown a Democrat, Republican or ______ (Fill in the Blank)

Press Release

Charlie Brown is having a tough time deciding on…well anything. In a year when voters are taking a close look at where the candidates stand, Brown is avoiding taking a stance on the issues that matter. On issues from gay marriage to taxes, Brown avoids giving straight answers. The McClintock for Congress Campaign today called on Charlie to reveal his true colors.

"We presume since Charlie is running as the Democratic Party's candidate for Congress, he would support that party's presidential nominee," said McClintock spokesman Bill George. "But he won't give an answer to the question of whom he supports for President. Charlie do you support your own Democratic Party's Barack Obama or Republican John McCain? Charlie appears to be endorsing BOTH candidates. Too bad he can only vote for one," George said. "If he can't even make a decision on whom he's backing for president how can he be expected to make tough decisions in Congress?"

High energy prices are a top concern for all Americans. While saying he supports drilling, Charlie refuses to take a position on increasing oil exploration and production off the California coast and in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). We wonder how his backers in the Sierra Club feel about that.

On taxes, Charlie says "he'll fight for middle class tax relief" but has called on state legislators to pass hundreds of millions of dollars in new taxes to address the state's budget crisis. He refuses to take a position on the "No New Taxes Pledge," or the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste "Earmark Reform Pledge." He says he favors increasing access to a healthcare for all Americans, but fails to say how he would pay for it.

On illegal immigration, Charlie says "we must first secure America's borders." But he says he is opposed to putting troops on the border. He is silent on the issue of building a fence on the border to keep illegals out, but supports a guest worker program that allows illegal immigrants to stay and work while allowing them to get American citizenship.

California's Proposition 8 states simply that "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California." Charlie refuses to say if he supports or opposes the proposition.

"Charlie is using the excuse that voters are saying they are not buying into party ideology to avoid taking positions on the issues. He is trying to hide the fact that he is a liberal Democrat by running from the issues and clothing himself in platitudes. Tom McClintock has taken clear and consistent positions on the issues voters care about," George said. "Voters need to know where candidates stand on the issues. They are waiting to see Charlie's true colors."
