Issue Position: Securing our Borders

Issue Position

Over 12 million individuals currently live in this country illegally placing an undue burden on America's taxpayers. Congressman Altmire believes that to properly respond to this ongoing crisis, the federal government must start by securing our borders and enforcing current law.

The Secure America Through Verification and Enforcement (SAVE) Act

Congressman Altmire joined with his colleagues in introducing the SAVE Act (H.R. 4088) to provide a commonsense solution to the nation's immigration problem. This legislation refocuses our efforts on employment verification; adds new border patrol agents; and reinforces current immigration law. Starting with these initiatives is the quickest way to securing our borders.

Visit to the U.S.-Mexico Border

In November 2007, Congressman Altmire traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border to see firsthand how our nation's customs and border patrol agents handle the flood of illegal immigrants coming into our country. While there, he also traveled to the border fence to view the progress being made. This trip reaffirmed his belief that our agents working on the border are doing an excellent job with the resources available to them. We must continue the fight to provide them with the necessary resources to fulfill their mission of securing our borders.

Increased Funding for Border Agents and Fence

Congressman Altmire remains committed to securing our borders and has voted numerous times to hire additional border patrol agents and finish construction of the U.S.-Mexico border fence. In 2007, he voted in favor of the Consolidated Appropriations Act which contained $9.4 billion in funding for border protection. These funds will allow for the hiring of 3,000 additional border patrol agents and ensure continued construction of the border fence.
