Issue Position: Iraq

Issue Position


I opposed the war in Iraq before it began and I believe it is time to begin withdrawing our troops from Iraq. We have suffered thousands of American causalities and spent billions of dollars on an unnecessary war that has not secured Iraq. While Al Qaeda had little presence in Iraq before the U.S. invasion, it is now a breeding ground for terrorists. Our continued presence in Iraq is creating targets and helping to fuel the insurgency.

President Bush led the American people to war under false pretenses. He cherry-picked intelligence, which turned out to be faulty at best, and abandoned diplomacy in order to perform a nearly unilateral invasion. The Bush Administration should be held accountable for its misinformation campaign and its misguided rush to war.

I am a founding member of the Congressional Out-of-Iraq Caucus, which is now 72 members strong. I am working with Members of Congress and organizations to push for a strategic redeployment of our troops from Iraq, so that we can turn our sights back to real and immediate threats to the United States.
