Issue Position: Labor

Issue Position

Issues: Labor Unions

Issue Position: Labor

During one of my first days as a Member of Congress, David Obey, the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, came up to me and said, "You're labor's guy." Make no mistake about it—as a candidate I was honored to have the support of organized labor and as a Congressman I will spend every single day fighting for policies that benefit working men and women.

Collective Bargaining:

In July, the House passed legislation to guarantee the rights of firefighters, police officers, and emergency medical service workers in all 50 states to collectively bargain for better wages, benefits and working conditions. Our first responders risk their lives every day to keep our families and communities safe. Providing these brave men and women access to the economic security that comes with collective bargaining is the least we can do.

I believe we need to go further by finally passing the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) into law. Like all Americans, first responders deserve the right to form a union via majority sign-up. As you know, the House passed EFCA, the most important piece of labor reform legislation in a generation, with a bipartisan majority in March. It is time for the Senate to follow suit.

Workplace Safety:

Earlier this year, Eleazar Torres-Gomez, a 46-year old Cintas washroom employee from Tulsa, OK and a father of four, died when he was caught inside a dryer as it operated for 20 minutes at 300 degrees. On August 17, 2007, OSHA recommended a historic $2.8 million fine for his death. I have called for a nationwide investigation of machinery safety hazards at laundries owned by Cintas. I have also introduced legislation with Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) and Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA) that would amend OSHA to cover more workers, increase penalties, and clarify an employer's duty to provide his or her employees with adequate safety equipment.
