Issue Position: Agriculture

Issue Position

Issue Position: Agriculture

As one of the largest corn and livestock producing regions in the nation, the 17th Congressional District and its farmers have an important role to play in the U.S. economy, environment, and homeland security.

Farm Bill:

I supported the 2007 Farm Bill which maintains a safety net to help farmers provide a safe and abundant food supply for America. The bill made a strong commitment to securing America's energy future. It boosted funding for renewable energy programs by 600 percent. This significant increase will reduce our dependence on foreign oil, address global climate change, and help boost Illinois' agriculture economy.

The bill also made critical investments in our rural communities by renewing successful programs that provide vital healthcare, emergency communications, broadband telecommunications services, and economic development.

Finally, I worked to ensure that the food stamp program was fully funded. I am happy that the final bill increased the minimum benefit for food stamps for the first time in more than 30 years and indexed it for inflation so that Americans can continue to have access to a safe and inexpensive food supply

Locks and Dams:

The Mississippi River transports $12 billion worth of products every year, impacting agriculture, commercial, and labor interests across the state. I voted for the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 (WRDA), a bill that included critical updates to 7 new locks and dams on the Upper Mississippi and Illinois rivers. At my request, it also authorized funding to complete the Emiquon Wildlife Preserve along the Illinois River.


I am working in Congress to develop a long-term sustainable energy plan that supports expansion of renewable fuels, particularly ethanol and biodiesel, and funds research for enhancing the utilization of ethanol co-products in livestock feed.
