Sodrel to Visit ANWR

Press Release

Date: July 8, 2008
Location: Jeffersonville, IN

Congressional Candidate Mike Sodrel today announced that he will be travelling with a delegation of Congressional candidates to visit the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) July 14-17.

"High gas prices affect every area of our economy. I am tired of hearing Congress tell us what won't work or what takes too long. The only solutions coming from this Congress are to: file law suits, increase taxes, investigate, or regulate. None of this will increase the supply or lower the price of gas.

"86% of our energy today is derived from either natural gas, coal, or oil. In the short term, we must become independent of foreign sources of traditional energy. In the long term, we need to become independent of traditional energy altogether.

"You can't develop energy with law suits. We can't create energy by raising taxes. Investigation and regulation haven't lowered our cost at the gas pump. We need affordable energy to plant our crops, to create jobs, and to get to work and school.

"I'm going to ANWR to see first hand what it may offer to keep our economy running during our energy transition. New sources of traditional energy are not a permanent solution, but it is a necessary part of a long term energy transition."

The group will be arriving in Anchorage, Alaska and then traveling to Prudhoe Bay and ANWR. The candidates will be briefed by energy industry experts and state and local officials from Anchorage and the Arctic Circle. The candidates will also visit with the private landowners and native residents of the Arctic Circle.
