As a Working Latina with Five Children, 13 Grandchildren and One Great-Grandson, I Know First-Hand That America's Middle Class Families Desperately Need Change

Date: Aug. 25, 2008
Location: Denver, CO

As a Working Latina with Five Children, 13 Grandchildren and One Great-Grandson, I Know First-Hand That America's Middle Class Families Desperately Need Change

As a working Latina with five children, 13 grandchildren and one great-grandson, I know first-hand that America's middle class families desperately need change. This is especially true for minorities. We cannot afford another four years of the gridlock and stagnation that currently reign in Washington.

There's an old Mexican saying: "dime con quien andas, y te diré quien eres." "Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are." Senator McCain has voted in lockstep with Bush 90 percent of the time. Anyone who is a friend of Bush 90 percent of the time isn't a friend of working families. We need more than 10 percent change. We need 110 percent change. We need Barack Obama!

Senator Obama's clear vision and strong record will move our great nation in a positive new direction. He's done more to change the course of this country in four short years than John McCain has done in 26 long ones.

Under Bush, Latinas make only 57 cents for every dollar earned by their male counterparts, and one out of every three Latinos lacks health insurance. In response to these tragic disparities, Senator Obama co-sponsored the Paycheck Fairness Act in order to close the gender pay gap. He proposed a national health care plan to provide affordable, quality health care coverage for every American who needs it, and he co-authored the Minority Health Improvement and Health Disparity Elimination Act.

Barack Obama is the change we need. He is standing up for us, and we must stand up for him. Let's get our country back on track by electing Barack Obama as president of the United States in November.

Votemos por Obama para Presidente! Vote for Senator Barack Obama!
