Issue Position: Environment

Issue Position

Since coming to Congress, I have been an outspoken supporter of the environment, including the protection of national parks and forests, wildlife, clean air and clean water.

Global Warming and Clean Energy

America needs a new direction to address one of the most dangerous issues of our time: Global Warming. That's why I am a co-sponsor two important bills- the Climate Stewardship Act and the Safe Climate Act-that take different but complimentary approaches to reducing greenhouse gases in both the short- and long-term.

As a member of the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Caucus, I know that investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives is key to combating global warming. For many years, I have been fighting to increase support for the Department of Energy's Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy budget, the Energy Star program, and Energy Weatherization Assistance Program.

I am also a cosponsor of H.R. 1300, Program for Real Energy Security (PROGRESS) Act, a comprehensive Democratic energy bill that would constitute a major national effort to make substantial gains in technology, conservation and vehicle efficiency, and the use of alternative fuels.

Fighting for Clean Water, Protecting New York's Watershed

Marking a win for protecting the beauty of New York, the Fiscal Year 2002 Interior Appropriations Act (H.R. 2217, 107th Congress) provided $65,000,000 for the Forest Legacy Program. Along with Congressman Jack Quinn (R-NY), I worked to include full funding for the Adirondacks Lake project and the New York Watershed project. The $2 million designated for the Adirondack Lakes region of upstate New York helps protect these lands from development through sustainable management guidelines. These guidelines help to ensure that the region will continue to provide much needed raw materials for today's marketplace and into the future. With the threat of bioterrorism on the rise, the $500,000 dollars designated in the Forest Legacy Program for the New York City watershed project is one important component in the effort to protect New York City's drinking water.

Public Lands & the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act

Since my first session in Congress, I have fought to ensure that public lands are conserved for the public good and preserved for our children. I am the sponsor of H.R.1975, the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act, which will protect the beautiful and fragile bioregion known as the Wild Rockies. Considered radical when first introduced because it was based on science rather than political boundaries, this visionary legislation has long been supported by environmentalists and business interests from the Northern Rockies region who recognize the value of preserving the area's natural beauty.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

I strongly believe that every effort must be made to preserve the fragile Alaskan wilderness and to prohibit oil exploration in this area. That's why I am an original cosponsor of the "Udall-Eisenhower Arctic Wilderness Act," which would designate specified lands within the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as wilderness and components of the National Wilderness Preservation System.

Save America's Forests

The Bush Administration's take on forest management has put our nations majestic forests at risk. Its time for bold action. That's why my I am a co-author of The Act to Save America's Forests. This legislation calls for the end to clearcut logging, promotes more environmentally friendly and economically sustainable logging, and provides strong protection for the last remaining core areas of forest biodiversity in the United States, including old-growth forests and all roadless areas. The bill preserves native biodiversity on federal forestlands and changes how we protect and treat our public land.

Green Space & Sobriety Garden

New Yorkers know how important green space is to quality of life in the city. So, when I heard that Bellevue Hospital had plans to turn their Chemical Dependency Program's Sobriety Garden into a parking lot, I leapt to action. Once a vacant lot, the Sobriety Garden was transformed by patients into a therapeutic green space for those with drug and alcohol problems. Since the surrounding area has very little green space, the Garden has also become a popular spot for those who live and work nearby. I am proud to report that, amid strong protest from me and other state and local officials, Bellevue Hospital has abandoned their plan to pave over the Sobriety Garden.

This recent accomplishment exemplifies my ongoing belief that open spaces and community parks are a critical part of urban infrastructure. That's why I am the author of the Revitalizing Cities through Parks Enhancement (RECIPE) Act, which would establish a $10 million grant program which assists non-profit community groups obtain leases for vacant lots and transform them into small community gardens and parks.

The Roadless Rule

I strongly support the protection of roadless areas, and I am an original cosponsor of the "National Forest Roadless Area Conservation Act," which identifies roadless areas within the National Forest System set forth in specified documents as National Forest Inventoried Roadless Areas, and directs the Secretary of Agriculture to manage such Areas to maintain their roadless character.

Yellowstone National Park

In the 108th Congress, I was an original cosponsor of H.R. 1130, the "Yellowstone Protection Act," which directs the Secretary of the Interior to implement the final rule to phase out snowplane use in Grand Teton National Park and snowmobile use in Yellowstone National Park, the John. D. Rockefeller Jr. Memorial Parkway, and Grand Teton National Park. The legislation also would prohibit the Secretary from modifying or superseding any provisions of that final rule.
