Issue Position: Abortion and Family Planning

Issue Position

Issues: Abortion

Issue Position: Abortion and Family Planning

Abortion is a highly emotional and controversial issue. Not even the scientific community has been able to agree when a fertilized egg becomes a human being, an individual with basic rights. The definition of human life is one of a philosophical and religious debate and it appears that no definite answer will soon be found. Therefore, when it comes to the basic rights of a woman versus the rights of a fetus, I believe that the rights of the woman must take precedence.

Unfortunately, it is a fact of life that unplanned pregnancies occur, even when necessary precautions are taken. Under circumstances such as these, I believe that every woman has a right to receive full reproductive and medical information about her pregnancy, regardless of whether or not she is able to afford a private doctor. It is very hard for a woman to be faced with such a difficult choice, but she should be allowed to make an educated decision about all of her legal options. I do not believe the government has the right to interfere with that personal decision.
