Issue Position: Veterans - Pension Benefit for VA Nurses

Issue Position

Our nation's veterans depend upon VA medical professionals for quality health care. Just as we owe fairness and respect to our veterans, we also owe it to those who serve them.

In 2002, President Bush signed into law a bill that restored full pension benefits to VA nurses who worked part-time before 1986. The legislation was strongly supported by retired VA nurses and was intended to cover VA nurses who retired between 1986 and the date this law went into effect as a way to help recruit and retain nurses for the VA.

Unfortunately, because the law did not specify that it would apply retroactively, it has been interpreted to cover only VA nurses retiring after the signing of the bill. The result is that VA nurses who retired between 1986 and 2002 are not able to receive the full pension benefits they deserve. I have introduced legislation to fix this problem and ensure that all retired VA nurses are treated fairly.
