Michelle's Law

Date: July 30, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

MICHELLE'S LAW -- (House of Representatives - July 30, 2008)


Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

Mr. Speaker, Michelle's Law was introduced by my colleague from New Hampshire, Representative Paul HODES, in honor of Michelle Morse, a 20-year-old student who was attending Plymouth State University when she was diagnosed with colon cancer in December of 2003.

Michelle's doctors recommended that she leave school temporarily so she could undergo surgery and chemotherapy. Unfortunately, if Michelle followed her doctors' advice and dropped out of school to receive treatment, she would no longer be eligible for health coverage under her mother's policy.

The truth of the matter, Mr. Speaker, is that most college-aged students are only able to keep their parents' health insurance if they attend classes full time. Under most health care plans, when a student becomes seriously ill or injured, he or she is unfortunately left with very few options. Students are forced into the difficult decision of continuing with a full-time course load while they try to seek treatment, or withdrawing and losing health care eligibility. No American should be faced with such a choice, in my opinion.

Unfortunately, Michelle had to choose. Michelle and her family decided that she would remain in school full time while she received treatment for her cancer. After enduring a rigorous course load and successfully graduating, Michelle lost her battle with cancer in November of 2005.

After Michelle's passing, her mother decided that no other family should have to make the same tough decision. Thanks to her efforts, New Hampshire passed a law that allows students to take a 1-year medical leave of absence while maintaining their dependency status. The bill before us today would afford the same protections for students nationwide.

I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to vote ``yes'' for this important piece of legislation.

