Weekly House Update for Congressman Roy Blunt


Date: April 4, 2008
Issues: Immigration

Weekly House Update for Congressman Roy Blunt

The week of March 30 - April 5


By Cong. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.)

If there's one issue that Democrats and Republicans in Washington must come together to confront, it's the growing problem of illegal immigration. Illegal border crossings have spiraled out of control. This is an issue that I believe is critically important, because securing our borders would send a message to the American people that the Congress is listening to their concerns and taking action in response. I have been working hard in Washington to build consensus behind legislation that would secure our porous border. But my Democratic colleagues have - for the most part - refused to join in our efforts. Even though their campaign rhetoric back home makes it sound like this issue is at the top of their agenda.

Republicans and Democrats came together to draft and support the Secure America Through Verification and Enforcement (SAVE) Act last year. But, Democratic leadership has blocked any attempts to act on this sound legislation. This legislation would secure the border, create a mandatory employee verification system and beef up our interior immigration enforce with additional immigration officers. Sadly, Democratic leadership has stalled consideration of this bill sending a message that securing our borders is not a priority.

More troubling is that the Democrats in control of Congress have actually cut funds for building a border fence while tax payer-funded services have been made available to illegals without proof of identification.

This is an issue of the utmost importance to the people of Southwest Missouri. Studies have shown that 70-80% of immigrants in our district are living and working illegally. Due to this growing problem I have fought for increased funding to build a security fence along our southern border with Mexico and funding for more border patrol agents. I also believe employers should be fined for knowingly employing illegal workers. Americans who are working and paying taxes shouldn't have to pay to educate the children of illegal immigrants or pay for their health care when they visit the emergency room without insurance. Illegal immigration is more than a security issues - it's also an economic issue.

The SAVE Act is a good first step to solving many of these problems, and a step I bet many in Southwest Missouri would agree is needed. That's why I was proud to take a leading role in introducing something called a discharge petition for this bill. A discharge petition is one way of bringing a bill to the House floor for a vote when the majority's leadership has needlessly bottled it up for political reasons. Once this petition receives 218 signatures the SAVE Act can finally be brought up for a much deserved vote. Along with my signature, 174 other Republicans have signed the petition. Unfortunately, only 10 Democrats have done so despite the fact that almost 50 Democrats are sponsors of the SAVE Act. It seems like a pretty clear cut issue to me. If you sponsor a bill, you should use every tool in your belt to ensure that it gets a vote.

Many of the members who have refused to sign the petition said that they wanted to let the next president take the lead on this issue. I'm sorry, but I just don't believe that you sent me to Washington to wait for someone else to take the lead when there is a workable - and over due - solution already on the table.

Signing the immigration discharge petition is a step in the right direction. We should reward immigrants that have come to this country legally. During my tenure serving you, the most ardent supporters of fixing our immigration laws have been the legal immigrants that came to this country for opportunity and a better way of life. Republicans, and the Democrats who have done the right thing and signed this petition, will keep this issue on the front burner until the Democratic majority at least lets us have a long overdue vote on this much needed piece of legislation.
