Issue Position: Consumer & Privacy Issues

Issue Position

Be on the Alert for Money Order Fraud

The Postal Inspection Service is warning the public about a fake postal money order scam. Victims are contacted by e-mail, in an Internet chat room, or an online auction site by someone who claims he needs help cashing a postal money order. Victims are told they may keep some of the money as payment for their help.

Guidelines for Recognizing a Genuine Postal Money Order

Hold the money order up to the light. See that faint watermark image of Ben Franklin? There should be repeated images of Franklin running through the oval area on the left side.

Another thing to look for while you have it up to the light -- the security thread to the right of Ben's image with the tiny lettering "USPS" repeated forward and backward. Counterfeit postal money orders don't show this.

The Internet has become an important source of information and entertainment for millions of Americans. It has already proven to be a powerful source for news, a useful tool for businesses to sell their products, and a great way for students to learn about their world.

But parents and kids should be aware that exploring the Internet is just like exploring the rest of the world. It's fun to travel and visit new places, but you have to be aware of some of the dangers. Some people think the Internet should be a forum for violence and hate. Others would use Internet chat rooms as a way to harm kids.

This page contains a number of links and tips parents and kids can use to protect themselves on the Internet. Please use them, and stay safe on the Internet.
