Senator Roberts Releases Primary Statement


Date: Aug. 5, 2008
Location: Topeka, KS
Issues: Taxes Energy

Senator Roberts Releases Primary Statement

TOPEKA, KS - Senator Pat Roberts today made the following statement:

"The primary is over and I now look forward to the home stretch of this race. I've always said that campaigns drag on too long, but our campaign has tremendous momentum and we are excited about these final three months.

"I will not spend one dime more than necessary, but I will spend enough to remind the voters of our successes and achievements, partnerships with Kansans, and I reserve the right to set the record straight.

"The Senate schedule will necessarily dominate my time as we try to pass a realistic and comprehensive energy bill, extend current tax relief and hopefully make progress on the appropriations bills important to Kansas. Otherwise, I am eager to be on the campaign trail as I am close to completing my regular 105 county listening tour across the state this month.

"Thank you to all of my supporters on this campaign, you have truly made a difference and Franki and I are so grateful. 91 days to go!"
