Arkansas Democrat Gazette - Being Mark Pryor

News Article

Date: July 27, 2008

Arkansas Democrat Gazette - Being Mark Pryor

"I still feel like I have to go out and prove myself every day because at the end of the day, I'm Mark Pryor, not David Pryor," [Senator Pryor] said.


[Pryor] gained a higher profile this year by heading efforts in the Senate to overhaul the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

"In my eyes, when I [first] saw him, he was the son of David," said veteran Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii. "But he has developed nicely. That consumer product safety legislation, that's his bill. And, he's not a senior member. He's done very well. Both Pryors are very bright, but Mark works hard. Mark puts in more time. He's one of the early risers."


Pryor's aides say their boss is one who always wants more information on issues. He allows them to state their opinions and to give him advice, with the understanding he may reject it.


"Are you still going to meet with the Republicans?" Andy York, Pryor's legislative director, asked his boss. "There could be a downside. It could lead to acrimony."

Pryor listened to York, paused for a moment and told him calmly, "It'll be OK. Never hurts to talk."


A potentially fatal bout with cancer has helped solidify for Pryor what's important in life, including his faith.


"He's talked about how being a cancer survivor strengthened his faith," said [Ken] Salazar, the senator from Colorado and one of Pryor's closest friends in the Senate. "When you go through that type of experience as a very young man as he did, it just steels your resolve to do even better."


"I've embraced my father's legacy. But I never really personally tried to live up to that."
