Hodes Votes to Override President Bush's Veto of the Medicare Reimbursement Legislation


Date: July 15, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Hodes Votes to Override President Bush's Veto of the Medicare Reimbursement Legislation

Congressman Paul Hodes today issued the following statement regarding his vote to override President Bush's veto on Medicare Reimbursement legislation that will prevent a ten percent Medicare reimbursement cut for doctors and medical professionals across the country. The measure passed on a vote of 383-41.

"This critical legislation will help seniors get important medical care from the doctors of their choice. Asking doctors to take a 10% cut in Medicare reimbursement will put further financial strain on our health care system and force many doctors in smaller practices to stop seeing senior citizens on Medicare or face going out of business. It's wrong that President Bush wants to make finding a doctor harder for Granite Staters, and Senator Gregg and Senator Sununu should do the right thing this time and stand up for better access to high quality, affordable health care for all Granite Staters not big insurance company executives."
