As Oil Reaches Historic High Akin Renews Call for Domestic Energy Development


Date: July 11, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

As Oil Reaches Historic High Akin Renews Call for Domestic Energy Development

As crude oil prices today reached the unprecedented rate of $147 a barrel, Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO-2) underscored the need for Congress to realistically address the energy crisis. Akin pointed to his $150 Barrel Energy Extortion Act as one example of how legislative initiative can promote domestic energy development and relieve the burden experienced by families in Missouri and across the United States.

Akin released the following statement regarding today's historically high cost for a barrel of oil:

"Obstruction of attempts to develop American energy independence by the Democrats in Congress is doing great damage to our economy. Speaker Pelosi and her party are continuing to jeopardize our economic future by being unwilling to develop American energy resources.

"I've introduced the $150 Barrel Energy Extortion Act to open up American energy to new development when oil reaches $150 a barrel. We are fast approaching that point. Here's the question: how high is high enough? If we won't start developing domestic energy, at $150 a barrel, what's the magic number?

"Week after week, families are being forced to transfer monies from other categories in their budgets to pay for the fuel it takes to get to work. Local governments will be tempted to pass increased operating costs to taxpayers.

"The problem is one of Congressional resolve. For as long as I've been representing the people of the 2nd District, there have been simple, environmentally sound proposals to increase production of American energy while we cultivate alternative energy sources. Time and again, I've voted to develop domestic energy and time and again, anti-energy Democrats in Congress have rejected opportunities to avert the crisis we now face.

"It's time we all agreed that the American people can ill-afford more of the status quo. It's time to actively reduce our dependence on foreign oil and cultivate our own energy resources."
