Quit the Impeachment Game


Date: July 18, 2008
Location: Mercer Island, WA

Quit the Impeachment Game

by dave reichert

On a list of issues that Congress should be spending tax-payer funded time on, Mr. Kucinich's resolution to impeach the President is not one of them.

As one of the nine Republicans crossing party lines yesterday on the vote moving Rep. Dennis Kucinich's impeachment resolution to the Judiciary Committee, I cast my vote not to hold hearings, but to move the bill off the House Floor so the House could focus on more important issues.

Precious time is wasted voting on an impeachment resolution, when we should be addressing record-high energy prices, strengthening the economy and the housing market, funding our veterans and our troops, and passing free trade agreements that have the potential to spur our economy. Hardworking Americans are concerned about their family budgets and the future of our country.

Playing political games at the expense of every citizen in this country is shameful. I cast my vote not to bait the Democrats into a debate, nor to endorse consideration in the Judiciary Committee. I voted against the Democratic attempt to impeach the President, and also against the Republican attempt to force a debate instead of focusing attention on issues affecting every American.

Time for the 110th Congress to get things done is quickly disappearing. There are less than 30 legislative days left in the Congressional calendar. And this is what we are voting on? No wonder the country has lost faith in Congress. There are so many things that we need to take action on and impeachment votes that are guaranteed not to pass is not one of them.

The "People's House" has more important issues to focus on that affect the everyday lives of our constituents, as they fill their gas tanks, put food on the table and visit the family doctor when their child is sick. That's where our attention should be.
