Issue Position: Choice

Issue Position

Issue Position: Choice

I am pro-choice because I believe we should not allow politicians to interfere with decisions that belong with individuals and families. Women must be able to make decisions about their own bodies and their reproductive health.

I support codifying Roe v. Wade into law through the passage of the Freedom of Choice Act. Years of appointing anti-choice justices have chipped away at reproductive rights, and Roe itself enjoys only a narrow majority on the Supreme Court.

We must work to reduce the number of unintended pregnancies by encouraging private health care providers to offer the same coverage for contraception as for other prescription drugs. We need also to increase access to sex education and contraceptives.

To achieve this, I will work to ensure that no single individual can use his or her own discretion to deny a woman emergency contraceptives, and I will vote to insure full funding for family planning, both at home and abroad. We must overturn the "Global Gag Rule" that prevents U.S. funds from going toward any clinic that counsels education and reproductive freedom.
