Does Lincoln Davis Think Obama is "Terrorist Connected?"

Press Release

Date: June 13, 2008
Location: Franklin, TN

Does Lincoln Davis Think Obama is "Terrorist Connected?"

In a statement released today, Tennessee Fourth District Congressional Candidate Monty Lankford called on Congressman Lincoln Davis to come public with whether he personally believes Barack Obama has terrorist connections.

According to the Nashville City Paper, close associates to Lincoln Davis have suggested possible ties between terrorists and Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama:

Fred Hobbs, a state Democratic Party Executive Committee member representing part of Davis' district, said he understands why Davis is not endorsing Obama and is "skeptical" of the Illinois senator himself.

"Maybe [it's] the same reason I don't want to — I don't exactly approve of a lot of the things he stands for and I'm not sure we know enough about him," Hobbs said when asked why he thought Davis wasn't endorsing Obama. "He's got some bad connections, and he may be terrorist connected for all I can tell. It sounds kind of like he may be."

Davis was not made available for comment.

His chief of staff, Beecher Frasier, said he doesn't know for sure if Obama is "terrorist connected" but he assumes he's not.

"I hope Congressman Davis is ‘made available for comment' real soon so he can clear up any confusion over whether he personally believes the Democratic Party has nominated someone with terrorist ties," said Lankford. "Republicans have a good candidate in John McCain, and I fully endorse him. I know enough about the Senator to feel comfortable saying that John McCain has no terrorist connections."

"If Lincoln Davis believes there is a chance Barack Obama is ‘terrorist connected' that may explain why he has dragged his feet in not endorsing Obama," said Lankford. "And if so, Davis needs to share his Washington ‘insider information' with the rest of us in Tennessee."

Monty Lankford, is a small businessman and a candidate for the Republican nomination in the 4th Congressional District. A resident of Franklin, TN, he is married and has five grown children and five grandchildren.
