Berkley Urges White House to Support Medicare Payment Fix


Date: July 9, 2008
Location: Washington, DC


Deal Will Protect Patient Access to Doctor Care

Congresswoman Shelley Berkley today urged President Bush to support legislation needed to protect Nevada seniors and millions of other Americans covered under Medicare. The bill eliminates a harmful 10% cut in reimbursement rates paid to doctors who treat Medicare beneficiaries. Restoring these payments will help protect the ability of Medicare patients to see their doctor. The Senate approved legislation eliminating the cut this afternoon, clearing the measure for action by the President.

"Nevadans are right to be concerned that this drastic cut may limit the ability of Medicare patients to see their own doctor and that is why President Bush should sign this legislation," said Berkley. "We still have the chance to protect seniors on Medicare by restoring physician payment levels, but that will only happen if the President approves this package which has now been passed by both the House and Senate. No one benefits when a doctor cannot afford to treat a Medicare patient, but I fear that is exactly the impact this cut will have in Nevada and across the nation. The bill we are sending to the White House protects seniors and addresses the concerns of our doctors - so it's a win-win. I hope the President will do what is right for Medicare patients and for the physicians who work to keep them healthy by signing this bill."

As a Member of the Ways and Means Committee, Berkley helped to craft the package eliminating the mandatory 10.6% cut in Medicare reimbursement rates and voted in favor of the legislation when it came before the House last month.
