Issue Position: The Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Issue Position: The Environment

Protecting the environment is vital to protect the health of all Americans, particularly our children. Democrats are fighting for cleaner air, cleaner water, and preservation of our natural resources, understanding that what we do today has an impact on future generations of Americans. We stand up for fair policies that protect America's environment while allowing for economic opportunity--priorities that can work together.

Democrats have a long tradition of standing up for the environment, and are working to protect our air, water, wildlife, and natural treasures for future generations of Americans.

The 110th Congress is taking action to protect our environment and combat global warming:

Landmark Energy Independence law: first new fuel efficiency standards in 32 years, building efficiency standards, historic commitment to bio-fuels
On December 18, 2007, the House pssed the historic Energy Independence and Security Act, H.R. 6. The legislation:
* Strengthens national security, by lessening our dependence on foreign oil
* Reduces global warming
* Lowers energy costs for consumers
* Creates hundreds of thousands of new jobs and strengthens our economy

Historic New Support for Non-food Bio-fuels in the Farm Bill

On June 18, 2008, the House overrode the President's veto of the Farm Bill, H.R. 2419. The bill takes the next step in transitioning biofuels beyond corn -- by reducing the current tax credit for corn-based ethanol by six cents per gallon and creating a new tax credit to promote the production of cellulosic biofuels.

Extending and Expanding Tax Incentives to Invest in Clean, Renewable Energy

On May 21, 2008, the House passed the Renewable Energy and Job Creation Act, H.R. 6049. This bill will extend and expand tax incentives for renewable energy, retain and create hundreds of thousands of green jobs, spur American innovation and business investment, cut taxes for millions of Americans, and close loopholes allowing U.S. corporations and executives to avoid U.S. taxes by shipping jobs and investment overseas.

Greening the Capitol and Making Congress Carbon Neutral

Green the Capitol efforts have made significant progress. The U.S. House of Representatives will be one of the world's first "carbon neutral" legislative bodies. We are purchasing wind power, using natural gas at the Capitol Power Plant, and as we phase in more carbon efficiencies, purchasing carbon offsets. We are re-lighting the Capitol dome with energy efficient lighting, and our cafeterias have taken steps to green their processes and equipment, including composting all food waste. A new food pulper reduces the weight of cafeteria waste by as much as 70 percent by extracting water from it. The House now sells only 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper, and has installed compact flourescent lights. We are also encouraging green transportation with a bike sharing program and a car sharing program for House employees.

Reducing Public Transit Fares and Expanding Service

On June 26, 2008, the House passed the Saving Energy Through Public Transportation Act, H.R. 6052. The bill gives grants to mass transit authorities to reduce public transit fares giving consumers a cost-effective alternative to $4 per gallon gasoline. The bill's $1.7 billion in mass transit grants for the next two years could also be used to expand transit services and for the escalating operating costs of public transportation and would be available to both rural and urban areas.

Improving Passenger Rail

On June 11, 2008, the House passed the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act, H.R. 6003. This bill reauthorizes Amtrak through fiscal year 2013. Amtrak's authorization had expired in 2002; however, the GOP-controlled Congress failed to reauthorize Amtrak over the last five years. This reauthorization of Amtrak is long overdue. The bill also creates a new capital grants program for states to provide new or improved intercity passenger rail.

Building Green Schools

On June 4, 2008, the House passed the 21st Century Green High-Performing Public School Facilities Act, H.R. 3021. This bill provides a five-year authorization for a green school construction program, authorizing $6.4 billion for school construction projects in fiscal year 2009, and ensuring that school districts will quickly receive funds for school modernization, renovation and repairs that improve the teaching and learning climate, health and safety, and energy efficiency. The bill requires that the majority of funds be used for projects that meet green building standards.


The technological advances that will achieve energy independence also will help us address the most urgent environmental issue facing us today: global warming. For the sake of our future generations, America must provide strong leadership to reduce emissions that are responsible for global warming. Instead, we have walked away from international efforts to help reduce this growing danger to the planet.

We will develop ground-breaking technology and policies that harness the creativity and flexibility of the free market to reverse the dangerous warming trends. Increased use of renewable energy sources, including biofuels, and energy efficiency will help reduce emissions, protecting future generations from this global threat.
