Nunes backs ‘Roadmap' legislation

Press Release

Congressman Devin Nunes today announced his support for legislation that will ensure universal access to quality healthcare to all Americans. The bill, titled ‘A Roadmap for America's Future,' also permanently resolves the financial challenges facing Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid. The legislation also simplifies the tax code and prevents tax increases currently needed to pay for failing government programs.

"My friend and colleague, Budget Committee Ranking Member Paul Ryan (R-WI) has put together a blueprint that will help Congress replace failed promises and broken programs with real improvements and concrete benefits for all Americans. These are not just entitlement reforms, but serious economic reforms that will resolve some of the most challenging aspects of life in America today. It is fitting that the bill is titled ‘A Roadmap for America's Future,' said Rep. Devin Nunes.

The Roadmap legislation has been evaluated by the Congressional Budget Office and deemed to be fiscally sustainable - which our current fiscal trajectory is not. Without reform, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are on autopilot to bankrupt our nation. These programs have unfunded liabilities that dwarf the combined cost of all wars since the founding of the United States- including the current War on Terror.

"Despite the challenging environment, including a Congressional majority that is hostile to change, we have put together concrete plans to restore our nation's future economic health," said Nunes. "While I understand that many Americans are skeptical about reform, I believe they will recognize Republicans have the intellectual courage to put ideas on paper. It is time for those who attack us to do the same. We need an open and honest debate," said Nunes.

Added Rep. Ryan, "Representative Nunes is demonstrating real leadership to tackle one of our nation's greatest challenges. As experts have long warned Congress, the greatest threat to our nation's fiscal and economic future is the looming entitlement crisis -- particularly Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Without reform, their growth will impose a crushing burden on our economy and budget - and they will fail to meet the missions for which they were created."

"Not everyone will agree with every aspect of the Roadmap proposal, and that's fine. But it is my sincere hope that it will spur Congress to move beyond simply rehashing the problem - to the politically difficult, but critical task of debating, and implementing actual solutions for the American people."

"I commend Representative Nunes for his work and commitment on this issue, and it is my sincere hope that others will follow his lead to become part of the solution."

A Roadmap for America 's Future, H.R. 6110, was introduced by Rep. Ryan on May 21, 2008. The bill restores fiscal integrity to federal retirement and income security programs and lifts the debt burden faced by all American families. For more information on the Roadmap visit
