Amending Certain Laws Relating to Native Americans

Date: June 18, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

AMENDING CERTAIN LAWS RELATING TO NATIVE AMERICANS -- (House of Representatives - June 18, 2008)


Mr. SMITH of Nebraska. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume.

H.R. 5680 is a technical corrections bill amending several laws concerning Native Americans. This bill has six substantive sections that will increase tribal economic development in several western States, Michigan and also Alaska. The bill is supported by the administration, and I urge my colleagues to support the bill.

I must add, of course, that opening up American reserves of oil, natural gas, geothermal energy and oil shale here at home would also help economic development, not only for Native Americans, but for all Americans.

Rather than devoting precious hours to legislation that covers a multitude of topics, and I understand many of them are necessary, others are more discretionary, I would ask, I would plead in fact as a member of the minority, that the leadership allow us the opportunity to vote on bills that would address the shortage of energy supply in our country.

I will say that no single answer remains to solve our energy situation. That is why I believe so many sources of energy need to be on the table. We have heard various criticisms and various analogies, but the fact is that we need more energy supply. The economics point to that. The demands of our economy point to that. The checkbooks of every single American point to that. Households all across America, all across our economy need more access, more affordable access to energy.

Congress ought not point a finger at those folks who they think use too much energy. Certainly I would not tell a farmer or rancher in my district of Nebraska they are caught up in consuming too much energy in producing food for America, or feed stocks for alternative energy. It takes energy to produce energy. Yes, I understand that, and we can do better with our policies.

I have no additional speakers, and I yield back the balance of my time.

