The New GI Bill

Date: June 11, 2008
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Oil and Gas

THE NEW GI BILL -- (House of Representatives - June 11, 2008)

(Mr. CARNEY asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Mr. CARNEY. Mr. Speaker, in the coming days, the House will once again consider the new GI Bill which restores the promise of a 4-year college scholarship for Iraq and Afghan veterans, similar to the educational benefits available after World War II. The original GI Bill of 1944 allowed millions of families to achieve the American Dream and set the economy on the right course after a draining war.

After World War II, for every dollar spent on the GI Bill, $7 was returned to the economy. The new GI Bill will spark yet another American economic recovery, one that is needed during this time of economic uncertainty with skyrocketing gas prices and food prices and devastating job losses.

But even more importantly, it will fulfill our promise to our military personnel that if they serve their country in war, they will receive a quality education at home. The current benefit simply does not live up to that promise. Mr. Speaker, while President Bush and his Republican allies remain strong advocates for continuing the war in Iraq, it is important that they join us in keeping this important promise to our Nation's troops.
