Issue Position: Small Business

Issue Position

Issues: Taxes

Small businesses make up the majority of commerce in Wyoming and they are the backbone of our local economies. We need a Representative who understands the struggles small business owners face, who knows what it takes to balance a budget, keep one's head above water, and the lights on, who has dealt with the struggles of meeting a payroll, filing and filling out all the forms, finding and retaining employees, and who has spent a lot more than 40 hours a week trying to nurture a passion into a reliable income in good and bad times.

Small businesses need representation that will stand up for them, representation which has experienced the challenges and opportunities that small businesses have in good times and bad. I know these issues because I have started and run several businesses from my ranches to a catalogue company, to a movie theater, and book store. I have built businesses with partners, with a family, by myself, and to help others get up and running on their own. In my view, there is nothing more exciting, satisfying, or more demanding, than starting and running a business. Nor is there anything more critical to diversifying Wyoming's economic future than nurturing entrepreneurs.

We need a champion who will work for regulatory certainty and simplification of the tax code. Someone who will fight so people can have the opportunity to pass on from one generation to the next an inheritance that isn't cut off at the knees by overcooked regulations or hamstrung by ridiculous tax burdens like the estate tax. We need to cultivate an environment that encourages enterprise. We need someone who knows that access to emerging markets worldwide through fair trade agreements is critical, but one who will work hard to ensure small businesses are not undercut by unfair trade practices and unreasonable labor concerns.

I have created jobs on two of Wyoming's main streets. I know it is not easy and I know there is a lot more to do. I would love to hear from you on those issues near and dear to your business future.

I want to fight for Wyoming's small businesses because I love the opportunities our state provides and I want to see our children succeed!
