Issue Position: Taxes

Issue Position

Issues: Taxes

The greatest drag on economic prosperity is the proliferation of high taxes. I firmly believe that hard working Americans are better stewards of their money than the federal government. With a record deficit and the need to resort to goofy accounting to show a balanced budget in the future, America's politicians will be tempted to increase taxes. We need someone to stand firm against Washington's willingness to waste Americans hard earned dollars.

We need do away with the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) and the Estate Tax (Death Tax). And we need to simplify and reduce taxes, making the tax code understandable and straightforward.

I fully support making President Bush's tax cuts permanent. As our economy faces economic uncertainty, we need certainty and consistency on capital gains, Section 179 expensing rules, and qualified dividends. And for heavens sake, let's not try to define manufacturing with rococo rules, you either make something in this country or you don't. It is that simple.

The tax code is ridiculously cumbersome and it must stop changing from year to year as a protracted battle between Republicans and Democrats plays out. We must simplify the federal tax code to make it unobtrusive, straightforward, and fair.

A sound fiscal approach will promote diversity in our economy, tax certainty will encourage investment, and ease of understanding will just make all of our lives better.

I believe individuals and families who purchase their own health insurance should be able to deduct those expenses from their federal income taxes just as businesses do. And I support continuation of the federal deduction for sales tax.

We need a better, simpler, more fair tax code not more taxes. That is why we need a Republican in Congress!
