Issue Position: The Constitution

Issue Position

Issue Position: The Constitution

As a child, I remember singing "God Bless America" in a two-room schoolhouse, and waving to police officers with happy confidence. Since then, I've watched our freedom...and subsequently, our trust in government...decline dramatically. Our government ignores its own Constitution, while simultaneously spouting the necessity to spread "democracy" abroad. Since 9/11, the federal government's intrusion into our lives has become draconian and inexcusable. I believe the statement made by Benjamin Franklin: "Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." We have been required to give up much of our liberty and I fear that unless the current policy of surveillance and control is changed, our children's lives will prove Franklin right.

Even if a person believes the Patriot Act and Homeland Security measures necessary to stem a threat of "homegrown terrorism", there is a logical disconnect when citizens are scrutinized and anonymous outsiders cross our borders with impunity. Why is it necessary for the government to know when I gain/spend $10,000? Why should they have access to my library habits and medical records? Why are they permitted to question my children about personal family issues, without my knowledge or permission? The Constitution declares us immune to such government intrusion.

I believe in the First Amendment, giving us freedom of speech, religion and assembly. The federal government has increasingly silenced voices that disagree with government policy, and that is not ok. America was founded on dissent and those whose opinions we detest, must still have the right to express their ideas.

I believe in the Fourth Amendment's statement that "the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated." Warrantless searches and high-tech surveillance of citizens must stop.

I believe in the Second Amendment guarantee of freedom to keep and bear arms, and the reason for it's adoption. Guns in the hands of individuals is the best and only real protection we have against an encroaching government. Individuals who own guns are many times more apt to STOP a crime than to commit one. I do not support any federal legislation that limits or controls firearm possession by citizens of the US.

The Fifth Amendment gives very clear, specific guarantees to those caught in the spotlight of government suspicion. I wish to see these guarantees actually provided to criminal defendants. Suspects must not be held without charges. Habeas Corpus must be practiced. Suspects must have access to attorneys and to know the charges against them. These guarantees are foundational to our form of government...and to humanity's sense of justice... and are not negotiable.

I do not believe that taxing a person's earnings is constitutionally justified.

Article I, Section 8 gives Congress very specific powers and clearly asserts that any and all powers not IN THE TEXT, are reserved to the states. Surprisingly, there are very few things congress is empowered to do. I do not support any legislation that falls outside these enumerated duties.
