Statement of John Kerry on Bush Decision Not to Confront China on Unfair Trade Practices

Date: April 29, 2004
Issues: Trade

Statement of John Kerry on Bush Decision Not to Confront China on Unfair Trade Practices

April 29, 2004

For Immediate Release

John Kerry issued the following statement in response to reports that the Bush administration has decided not to launch unfair trade investigations into China's currency practices and its record of violating workers' rights:

"The simple fact is that this administration has once again refused to make any serious effort to use the legitimate rules that govern trade to level the playing field and prevent our businesses and workers from being taken to the cleaners. It won't even consider taking action. When it comes to China and defending American jobs, this White House is all talk and no action. It's time we had leadership in this country that takes action to defend American jobs."

"I am going to fight to keep US jobs in America and I'm not going to sit idly by when China or any other country pursues policies that hurt our economy. It's time to put the failed policies of the past behind us so that we can jumpstart America's economic engine and build a stronger America-a stronger America that values good jobs, good health care, and good education."
