Issue Position: Iraq and the War on Terror

Issue Position

Issue Position: Iraq and the War on Terror

I supported the President's decision to overturn the despotic and sadistic regime of Saddam Hussien in Iraq. I recognize that some people never supported the war, and others have since become weary of the ongoing struggle in that country. However, it does not matter, in some sense, how we got there; we are there, and we have to decide where the interests of the United States lay. I am convinced that leaving Iraq prematurely would be an unmitigated disaster for the United States. Why? First, the damage to our nation's prestige and reputation would be long lasting. Having embarked on this course, we must see it through or no other country in the future will be willing to rely upon our assurances of aid and alliance when the going gets tough. Second, I believe that historical record is clear that Iraq under Saddam Hussien was far from innocent in using terror at home and abroad, but whatever your opinion on the past role of Iraq in global terrorism, we must recognize that Iraq is now the frontline in the fight on terror. Don't take my word for it; Al Qaeda's leaders and other terrorists have said this again and again in their public pronouncements. If we leave Iraq now or in the immediate future, there is no doubt that the terrorists will claim victory. Cutting and running is defeat for the United States. Third, it would indeed be far more than a propaganda victory for terrorists, because they would likely end up controlling Iraq. Iraq, with its rich reserves of oil, would become a haven for recruiting, training, equipping, and launching terror strikes against us here in the American homeland. We have no choice. We must stay in Iraq and we must win.

There are other fronts in this war, both at home and abroad. A big part of my concern about the wave of illegal immigrants coming over our borders is the ease with which terrorists could use the same paths into the country. We must secure our borders.

Afghanistan will be a place where American troops will be in harms way for some time to come, and it will be a place where long term American aid of other sorts will be required to rebuild the country and strengthen the Afghan people against the resurgence of the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

The recent airliner bomb plot in Britain, foiled by British, Pakistani, and American intelligence, serves as a reminder that our enemies never stop seeking to do us harm. We must remain vigilant and ready to strike preemptively.
