Issue Position: Taxes

Issue Position

Location: Unknown
Issues: Taxes

Issue Position: Taxes

Many Alabamians have contacted me regarding their views on taxes, including the tax relief plan signed by President George W. Bush in July 2003. I believe that we should make a concerted effort to reduce the tax burden of the American people. Since the passage of the 2003 tax cuts, 4.5 million new jobs have been created and unemployment is at its lowest rate since September 11, 2001.

The softening of our economy throughout recent quarters has led to an increase in fears that we are headed toward a recession. During this time, it is essential that future tax burdens not increase. Taking more money out of the economy would simply worsen the problem. To that end, I believe Congress must take steps to ensure that the 2003 tax cuts remain permanent. The 2003 tax cuts were an important step toward allowing the American people to keep more of their hard earned money, and allowing them to expire now would burden our economy with a massive tax increase at the worst possible time.

Please know that I will continue working to see that this tax relief, as well as the tax relief enacted in 2001 is not allowed to expire.
