Shulman Reiterates Support For Expanding America Home Ownership Act

Press Release

Date: Sept. 25, 2007
Location: Demarest, NJ

Dr. Dennis Shulman voiced his support today for The Expanding America Home Ownership Act of 2007 (HR 1852) and vowed that solving the housing crisis in northern New Jersey will be a central theme of his tenure in Congress. Rep. Scott Garrett's distinction as the only member of the state's Congressional delegation of either party to vote against The Expanding America Home Ownership Act of 2007 this week demonstrates once again how out of touch he is with Northern New Jersey's families, said Dr. Shulman, who recently announced the formation of an exploratory committee for a congressional campaign in New Jersey's fifth congressional district.

The bill passed 348-72 in the U.S. House of Representatives and is a strong bipartisan effort to assist home owners struggling with loans from subprime lenders to avoid defaulting on payments. It also expands Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans for rental housing, and makes it easier to refinance FHA-backed mortgages.

"One of the first things I will do upon being elected to Congress is fight to ensure the people of New Jersey's 5th district better access to affordable home loans," said Shulman.

Garrett appeared on C-SPAN this week and refused to acknowledge the extent of the problem of subprime lending. He called on America to, "put it in perspective how much of a problem it is and how much of a fear factor it is… the rest of the economy is good and the rest of the housing market is good."

Garrett's analysis contradicts a comprehensive Associated Press report ("Legislature to focus on N.J. housing Woes," 9/24/2007) that New Jersey housing costs are fifty percent higher than the rest of the country, and that the state has the highest property taxes in the country. Garrett holds a seat on the House Financial Services Committee and should be in a good position to address the New Jersey housing crisis.

An ordained rabbi and blind since childhood, Dennis Shulman has gained international recognition for his 30 years of work as a Harvard-educated clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst.

For more information about Dennis Shulman, visit and read "Rabbi Aims for Pulpit on Capitol Hill" in The Forward ( ) and "Dennis Shulman: Psychologist, Rabbi and Congressional Candidate" in Campaigns and Elections Magazine ( ).
