Gingrey calls on House to make tax cuts permanent

Press Release

Date: April 15, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

As millions of American taxpayers line up at their local post offices for the unwelcome annual ritual of filing federal income tax returns, U.S. Rep Phil Gingrey (R-GA), renewed his call for tax relief for middle class families, even as House Democrats push for the largest tax increase in U.S. history.

"American taxpayers already fork over more than their fair share in tax dollars, and now - even on Tax Day - the Democratic Majority is busy in Washington planning how to take even more of your hard-earned money," said Gingrey. "Without action, a massive, job-killing tax hike is looming on the horizon that will take nearly three thousand more dollars out of each working family's annual salary. With our economy slowing, the last thing struggling families need is Washington taking more money from them. Instead, we should give Tax Day back to the taxpayer and ensure that hard-working Americans never face these massive tax increases."

Totaling over $689 billion dollars, the Democrat budget resolution raises taxes on nearly every American taxpayer:

Reinstitutes the marriage penalty, meaning that some married couples will once again pay more in taxes than if they had filed separately as singles.
Cuts the child tax credit in half.
Reduces tax incentives for small businesses.
Resurrects the Death Tax, which penalizes small businesses and family farmers for passing on their life's work to the next generation.

Rep. Gingrey also stressed the need to rein in government spending as he joined with other conservative Members of Congress to introduce the Spending Limit Amendment to the Constitution, which would limit federal spending each year to the growth of America's economy, capping spending at 20% of the Gross Domestic Product.

"You simply cannot continue to increase spending without raising revenue - and unfortunately that always means increased taxes on American families," said Gingrey. "Now is the time to reverse that trend. This Amendment to the Constitution would fundamentally change the nature of spending in Washington and prevent federal spending from growing faster than American families' ability to pay for it. If we can cut the spending, then we can cut taxes and put more money where it belongs - back in the pockets of hard-working Americans."
