Rep. Miller Testifies in Support of Port Huron Casino; Compares Tactics of Opposition Groups to those of Jack Abramoff

Press Release

Date: Feb. 6, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Candice Miller (MI-10) today testified before the House Committee on Natural Resources in support of the proposed casino in Port Huron. Miller released the following statement.

"Today I was proud to have the opportunity to testify to the House Natural Resources Committee in favor of legislation that would ratify the wishes of the citizens of Port Huron who are seeking opportunity and jobs," Miller said. "This legislation is supported by every single elected official who represents the city of Port Huron in any capacity. It has been almost seven years since voters in Port Huron approved this plan. A better future for Port Huron is now in the hands of this Congress."

Miller continued, "Out-of-state gaming interests have taken a page out of the playbook of disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff by concealing who they are and their goals. They are engaging in a full press media blitz in Michigan and Washington, DC, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to rally the public against jobs and opportunity for the people of Port Huron and for what? It's all about money and greed and making sure that one part of the state can protect its revenue source from new competition -- and the heck with everyone else."

"I urge Congress to pass this legislation that is critical for the economy in Port Huron and the families who live there. And by passing this legislation, Congress would be denouncing the dishonest Abramoff-like tactics that I had hoped were gone from these hallowed halls."

HR 2176 and 4115 is expected to be marked up in the Committee on Natural Resources next week.
