Issue Position: Safeguarding Our Democracy

Issue Position

Issue Position: Safeguarding Our Democracy

Senator Dodd continues to work to strengthen and safeguard our democracy. He believes that the right to vote is the most fundamental of all our rights as American citizens and the right on which all other constitutional and civil rights depend. After the disputed presidential election of 2000 -- in which as many as 6 million eligible Americans did not have their votes counted -- he authored landmark legislation to help ensure that all eligible Americans have an equal opportunity to cast a vote and have their vote counted. This legislation, which was signed into law in 2002, has been called the most important civil rights legislation since the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Senator Dodd was a key supporter of the McCain-Feingold law, which is intended to reduce the role and size of campaign contributions in political campaigns. He authored pivotal legislation to eliminate the payment of honoraria to members of Congress. In addition, he supports revisions to the USA PATRIOT Act that will strengthen our nation's ability to fight terrorism while preserving Americans' civil liberties, such as the right to privacy. He also is the author, with Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN), of legislation that would strengthen freedom of speech and freedom of the press by limiting the ability of the federal government to prosecute citizens and journalists for speaking confidentially about abuses of power by government and corporate officials.
