Issue Position: Real Family Values: A Commitment to Working Families

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 27, 2006

As outlined in my New Year's message, The Road Ahead, I have already framed the campaign along the lines of the four areas revealed to have been of most concern to voters in the last election. These concerns have not changed and our point of emphasis will be to give both voice and hope to voters disappointed in the results since 2004. These concerns are national security, less government, less taxes and real family values.

When examined closely, it is scary to see how failed, incompetent and deceiving the results have actually been. We've examined the first three in the forms of National Security, Less Government and Less Taxes. Let's examine the fourth now.

Real Family Values:

Real Family Values quite simply means we expect far more from our Congress than being told how to be a family. It means having representatives actually demonstrating values such as honesty and integrity. We deserve a representative that keeps his word on important votes like CAFTA, a representative that rejects corrupting influences from lobbyists rather than embraces them, and a humble representative accountable to the people, rather than one with the stated attitude "You need me more than I need you!"

A commitment to Real Family Values means helping working families rise above the poverty line, instead of pushing millions more working families down the economic ladder while giving targeted tax breaks to idle wealth. Our families deserve more than empty moral posturing from an incumbent that votes to reduce efforts to collect child support for struggling families, makes it more difficult to obtain student loans and goes out of his way to vote for torture. The hard working families of the 8th District and our nation deserve a commitment to education, economic opportunity, civil rights, personal freedoms and the safe, clean environment that we all want for our families.

We've had enough of the nonsense from the incumbent aristocracy in DC that has proven they'd rather wedge us apart than bring us together. It's time for an honest debate on Real Family Values.

I know I can make a difference.

Larry Kissell
Candidate for U.S. House of Representatives
North Carolina, 8th District

Someone Working ... For a Change
