Pearce Blasts Udall for Vote to Kill New Mexico Jobs


Date: Feb. 29, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Steve Pearce denounced Rep. Tom Udall's vote to damage the New Mexico economy, raise taxes on consumers and undermine U.S. manufacturers.

"The energy legislation that passed the House punishes consumers and our domestic energy manufacturers - a sector that is critical to New Mexico's economy and provides thousands of jobs. It defies belief that anyone representing New Mexico would support it.

"However, Rep. Tom Udall voted for this bill, once again taking the side of Nancy Pelosi and the liberals in Congress instead of protecting the interests of those he represents. From Los Alamos to Farmington, a clear pattern is emerging that Rep. Udall does not adequately represent the interests of New Mexicans.

"We need real leadership in Congress that fights for New Mexico and its people. I voted against today's Energy Bill because it is bad for our state and the country."
