
Date: Feb. 26, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

ENERGY -- (House of Representatives - February 26, 2008)

(Ms. FALLIN asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.)

Ms. FALLIN. Mr. Speaker, the energy problems facing our Nation are obvious: Our economy suffers from out-of-control gasoline prices while national security remains at risk from an overreliance on foreign oil. Immediately increasing the amount of energy produced on U.S. soil is the first step to addressing both of these issues.

Rather than pursue a commonsense solution, the House Democrats are once again proposing billions of dollars in punitive tax increases on American oil companies. Heavily taxing oil and gas will discourage exploration and production, and that is exactly what we don't need to do. It will drive up the cost at pumps for consumers and further reduce the incentives for domestic producti on of oil and gas.

This week marks the third time this year that House Democrats have tried to enact an energy policy that would hurt American families and businesses, increase our reliance on foreign energy sources, and put the long-term energy needs of the United States at risk.
