Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007

Date: March 5, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

PAUL WELLSTONE MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION EQUITY ACT OF 2007 -- (House of Representatives - March 05, 2008)


Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of the H.R. 1424--Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act of 2007. This legislation is a great step in ensuring that group health plans are discouraged from charging higher co-payments, coinsurance, deductibles, and imposing the maximum out-of-pocket limits on mental health and addiction care than those imposed for medical and surgical benefits.

Although I fully support the intent of this measure, Mr. Speaker, I have slight reservation over one of the offsets used to pay for the legislation, specifically the large increase in the Medical prescription drug rebate.

Innovative drug companies already provide deep discounts to Federal and state governments for prescription drugs covered by the Medicaid program. H.R. 1424 calls for a 33 percent increase in the rebate that brand pharmaceutical companies pay to the Medicaid program at a time when many drug companies are facing big financial challenges.

As a member of the North Carolina delegation, I realize the economic impact that this innovative industry has on my State, employing over 25,000 North Carolinians with many coming from my congressional district. I also understand the threat that this rebate poses to research, development, and access to drugs for the Medicaid beneficiaries of my poverty stricken district. We need these companies to continue investing in the United States, creating good jobs, and developing the new drugs our patients need.

Mr. Speaker, it is my hope that the House will come together and support this progressive piece of legislation. I am pleased that we did not give up on this bill and have moved forward despite the President's veto of the Children's Health and Medicare Protection Act of 2007. Further, I would also like to encourage my colleagues who will be engaged in the conference negotiations to bring to us a final product that will not deter innovation of new treatments for the diseases and ailments that affect American families.

