Grassley Comments on Guidelines from Medical College and University Associations About Monitoring Conflicts of Interest Among Researchers and Faculty

Press Release

Date: Feb. 28, 2008
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Science

Grassley Comments on Guidelines from Medical College and University Associations About Monitoring Conflicts of Interest Among Researchers and Faculty

Senator Chuck Grassley, Ranking Member of the Committee on Finance, issued the comment below about new guidelines released today by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and the Association of American Universities (AAU). For the complete report, go to:

The guidelines call on universities and medical schools to develop and implement institutional financial conflict of interest policies within two years. These two organizations offer a model template and note the urgent necessity for all academic medical centers and major medical research universities to address conflicts of interest consistently throughout their organizations.

Senator Grassley has been investigating problems with conflicts of interest beginning with concerns over FDA advisory boards. Senator Grassley's investigations also include examinations of the policies and reporting practices at over a dozen medical schools in the United States. Senator Grassley has found that medical schools have not adequately monitored outside income of their researchers and faculty. Cases have come to light where academics have failed to report tens of thousands of dollars to their respective institutions. Senator Grassley has introduced with Senator Herb Kohl legislation to require pharmaceutical drug, medical device and biotechnology companies to disclose payments to physicians. The bill, S.2029, is titled the Physician Payment Sunshine Act. Last November, Senator Grassley's staff briefed the Association of American Colleges on the goals of this legislative initiative and the related oversight work.

Senator Grassley's comment:

"These associations are setting worthy goals that ought to get the attention of America's universities. Institutions need to be more rigorous in monitoring the outside income of university researchers and faculty members from pharmaceutical drug and device companies. There's evidence that this money can alter medicine and the public deserves to know the facts in considering any potential conflicts of interest."
