Issue Position: Protecting the Environment

Issue Position

Issue Position: Protecting the Environment

As Americans, we have the right to breathe unpolluted air, drink safe water, eat uncontaminated food, live in clean communities and enjoy our natural treasures. Today, approximately 45% of our nation's waterways do not meet the "drinkable, swimmable, fishable" standard set out by the Clean Water Act 30 years ago.

In the 21st Century, we can have progress without pollution - we can grow our economy while protecting our natural resources. But we need to look to the future and invest in innovation.

Throughout my career, I have fought to clean up toxic waste sites, to keep our air and water clean, and to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other pristine wilderness areas. Recently, the non-partisan League of Conservation Voters called me an "environmental champion," a distinction I'm very proud of.

I believe in setting a new standard of environmental excellence for America. I will continue to honor and protect our national treasures and pay tribute to our natural wonders, while renewing our nation's promise of clean air, clean water and a bountiful landscape for all. I recognize that we owe it to our families, our communities, and our planet to defend our environmental values and protect our environmental rights.

Together we can improve the environment in backyards and communities across America. I believe we can create cleaner, greener communities by revitalizing contaminated industrial sites, getting toxins out of communities, guaranteeing our children access to clean, safe parks, and taking on traffic congestion and sprawl.
