Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Issues: Education

Issue Position: Education

Education is at the core of America's basic promise - that all Americans should be able to make the most of their potential.

I believe every child should be held to high standards, and every school should have the resources and the responsibility to meet those standards. Every classroom should have a great teacher.

Every young person should graduate from high school, and every young person who works hard and wants to go to college should be able to afford it. And all Americans should be able to get the skills they need to succeed throughout their lives.

I want to ensure that all Americans can make the most of their God-given talents. They will offer schools the resources and the reforms they need to give every American child a great education, regardless of their income, race, or family background.

I believe we should meet our responsibilities to our schools and ensure that No Child Left Behind works for schools, states, and teachers by rewarding those who meet higher standards and rewarding schools that turn around and improve.

I support continuing reform, better training and better pay in troubled schools. We should also ask for a return on that investment, including fast, fair ways to make sure that teachers who don't belong in the classroom don't stay there.

I am a strong supporter of after-school programs. They give students extra help, keep them out of trouble, and offer peace of mind to working parents.

Educating our children is key to ensuring a strong economy in the future. I believe in making college affordable for all and expanding lifelong learning. Our workers should have access to the technical skills and advanced training they need.
