Miller Newsletter


Date: Feb. 1, 2008
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Immigration

Miller Newsletter

"The strength -- the secret of our strength, the miracle of America, is that our greatness lies not in our government, but in the spirit and determination of our people… And so long as we continue to trust the people, our nation will prosper, our liberty will be secure, and the state of our Union will remain strong." Those words were delivered during President Bush's closing in his final State of the Union Address to the American people. The meaning behind his words could not be more true.

Having listened to our President speak before Congress and outline his domestic and foreign initiatives for the year ahead, I believe there is every reason to be hopeful for the future. Congress has many challenging tasks set before them; however, I am confident my colleagues will unite and fulfill the goals that must be met this year.

Monday night President Bush acknowledged a slowing economy in the short term. In response, the House passed the Economic Stimulus Package on Tuesday, and it is my hope that the Senate does not load up this bill. This stimulus package will bring tax relief to more than 117 million American families. If signed into law, individuals with an adjusted gross income less than $75,000 will receive a $600 refund from the government sometime this summer. Couples who file jointly with an adjusted gross income less than $150,000 will receive a $1,200 refund. In addition, businesses can immediately write off 50 percent of the cost of capital purchases, allowing immediate tax savings.

Along with many of my colleagues, I applaud the President's pledge to veto any bill that fails to cut the cost and number of Congressional earmarks in half. I believe in transparency of the process, of people taking responsibility for the requests they make. I would like to see every member of Congress publish their appropriation requests to help restore integrity to the process so the taxpayers are made aware of how their tax dollars may be spent. This year I will publish on my website a list of all requests submitted to my office.

The President identified the revamping of our immigration policy as a "pressing challenge," and once again he is right. As a strong supporter of increased border security and enforcement of our current immigration laws, I am disappointed by efforts to slow down or de-fund increased border fencing that was included in laws passed during a Republican-led Congress over the past several years. Securing our borders is vital to our national security and wellbeing, and I assure you that I will work with my fellow Members of Congress to see that a robust border fence becomes a reality.

Our men and women in the U.S. military continue to make us proud in the Global War on Terror. Almost everyone acknowledges that the surge in Iraq is working - Al Qaeda is on the run and violence has decreased significantly. We continue to make gains in our fight against the Taliban in Afghanistan as we work with our 25 NATO allies and 15 partner nations. Our men and women must receive all of the resources they need to win the war on terror. We must also ensure our government has all of the intelligence tools necessary to protect our homeland against the terrorist threat.

The state of the Union can only be as strong as its citizens; fortunately, we are Americans. With a foundation of the highest ideals and values, we remain steadfast in our profound responsibility to advance our society for the benefit of future generations.
