Kucinich Praises Vote By The New Jersey Assembly To Abolish The State's Death Penalty


Date: Dec. 14, 2007
Issues: Death Penalty

Kucinich Praises Vote By The New Jersey Assembly To Abolish The State's Death Penalty

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) released the following statement praising the New Jersey legislature for voting to repeal the state's death penalty:

"I strongly support the New Jersey legislature's approval of legislation yesterday to abolish their state's death penalty and praise Governor Corzine for indicating his intention to sign the repeal next week," Kucinich said.

"The decision by the New Jersey legislature shows that there is growing support in America for a repeal of the death penalty. This practice is inconsistent with American values."

New Jersey reinstated the state's death penalty 25 years ago, but after extensive study and debate determined that the costs, suffering by victims' families and the risk of taking innocent lives are sufficient to warrant repeal.

"I have long advocated for the abolition of the death penalty during my time in Congress. It is not a deterrent to crime. It disproportionately affects people of color and those of modest means. It allows innocent people to be executed and is morally indefensible," said Kucinich.

"If the United States wants to hold itself up as leader in the international human rights community, the death penalty must be abolished.

"I will reintroduce legislation to abolish the federal death penalty."
