Rep. Jefferson Votes for Road Home Funding in Defense FY2008 Approps

Press Release

Date: Nov. 8, 2007
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Defense

Rep. Jefferson Votes for Road Home Funding in Defense FY2008 Approps

Washington, DC - Congressman Jefferson voted today, along with his House colleagues, to pass the FY2008 Defense Appropriations bill that included three billion dollars in funding for Road Home grants.

"I am extremely pleased that Congress was able to make good on its promise to the Gulf Coast," stated Jefferson. "I have worked tirelessly along with our House leaders as a member of our delegation, both House and Senate, to get the job done. Now, the many people in my district who are waiting for Road Home money to make the difference in the rebuilding of their homes and by greater extension their lives can make the decision to come home."

The Defense Appropriations bill also includes monies for, amongst other things, military pay raises and healthcare; personnel, equipment and training costs and increased funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs.
