Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act of 2007

Date: Nov. 6, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

HEROES EARNINGS ASSISTANCE AND RELIEF TAX ACT OF 2007 -- (House of Representatives - November 06, 2007)


Mr. NEAL of Massachusetts. Madam Speaker, I am delighted that this bipartisan legislation to assist our veterans is before the House today. It also is certainly of great assistance to our active duty military and Reservists and indeed their families. The bill we are considering today is the product of a joint hearing held last month by the Select Revenue Measures Subcommittee led by myself and the Ranking Member English and the Income Security Subcommittee led by Chairman McDermott and Ranking Member Weller. We heard from a number of veterans advocates, military families groups, the Social Security Administration, Members of Congress and others who discussed their proposals to either enhance tax provisions or reduce burdens on those who serve or volunteer for America.

The bill we are considering today, which passed out of the full committee last week, is a product of those deliberations and will go far to assist those serving this country, again, emphasizing support for their families. This country is fortunate that so many soldiers and sailors have been willing to sacrifice for our defense. We must remember, once again, that this is a shared sacrifice. The families of someone serving this country can suffer financially, as well as emotionally, during extended tours. Congress has a responsibility to ensure that the Tax Code and other income security provisions do not create problems but, rather, solve them for military families. That is exactly what this bill will allow us to do.

