Press Conference with Republican Senators on Border Security


Date: Nov. 7, 2007
Location: Washington, DC

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SEN. DOLE: Let me just say, I find it incredible what has happened. If there's ever been an issue that has been important in my office in the few years that I've been here in the Senate, it is this particular issue; more calls on this issue than any other. The phone system in the United States Senate went down. It is clear across the country that the American people want to secure our borders first. They want to enforce our laws. And this really is an amazing thing that's happened today.

So I stand very strongly behind Lindsey in the desire to get this funding back. In fact, I think, in addition to the $3 billion, we need to be looking for what more we can find to ensure that our borders are secure.

And in terms of enforcement, some of that money goes to 287(g). I've been working with sheriffs across North Carolina for those who have self-identified themselves because of their criminal activity, to try to focus in on that aspect. And some of the funding would go to help to provide tools to assist our local sheriffs and others.

And so I'm very strongly behind what you're doing and pleased to be here this morning to express my views.

