Trade and Globalization Assistance Act of 2007

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 31, 2007
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Trade

TRADE AND GLOBALIZATION ASSISTANCE ACT OF 2007 -- (House of Representatives - October 31, 2007)


Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, I represent an area of western New York which includes the Buffalo/Niagara region. Over the past 5 years, that region has lost 25 percent, or 22,000 manufacturing jobs. One of the gentlemen from the other side said that one of the reasons for not updating the program or adjusting it is because there is a $300 million surplus in the program. I would argue that that is the best reason for renewing the program, to include workers who are precluded from benefits today.

I oppose the Republican amendment. The Republican amendment would eviscerate the Trade Adjustment Assistance program and its very purpose. Under the Republican amendment, it would preclude service workers from receiving benefits. Unlike H.R. 3920, the Republican amendment does not cover service workers. Yet according to one study by a leading technology consulting firm, 3.3 million service workers will lose their jobs by 2015.

The Republican amendment would prohibit manufacturing workers whose jobs are offshored to China or India from receiving benefits. Current law precludes those workers from eligibility. 3920 fixes this inequity.

Finally, the Republican amendment would cut worker training benefits. All of the States who have enrolled displaced workers in these programs, the cost exceeds that which is provided in the Republican amendment.

