Carney Statement on Iraq and Secretary Gates Meeting

Date: Sept. 28, 2007
Location: Washington, DC


Congressman Christopher P. Carney issued the following statement following his breakfast meeting with U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates on Thursday, September 27th:

"We have to leave Iraq in a responsible way. I spoke with Secretary Gates yesterday morning; one of the salient issues we agreed upon is that the War in Iraq is undermining our Global War on Terror. Secretary Gates admitted we are simply holding our own in Afghanistan, we are not winning.

"Equipment shortages, retention and recruitment problems have hurt our ability to train our troops and fight the War on Terror. As it is now, the only mission we are training for is the Iraq mission. Our National Guard and Reserve are running out of equipment, the very little that they do have is in need of repair.

"This was a very sobering meeting. We discussed how troops are facing increasing pressures from home to return and how this is affecting retention. As someone who wears the uniform, I understand the sacrifices our troops are making. Our troops have gone above and beyond our expectations, and I again call on the Iraqi government to take responsibility for their country. This is why I am fighting in Congress for 1 for 1 legislation, a bill that can show demonstrable progress in redeploying our troops.

"1 for 1 means that for every Iraqi battalion trained and operating independently, an American battalion is redeployed. The grim reality in Iraq is that there is no quick fix. I will continue to fund the troops. It is our duty to leave in a responsible manner, but it is also our duty to make sure our troops have the funding they need. It is time to see progress being made. If we do not see demonstrable progress both in the Iraqi security forces' ability to act independently and the Iraqi government's ability to establish a stable, functioning government, we will see large numbers of both Democrats and Republicans demanding rapid redeployment from Iraq.

"1 for 1 is a solution that will show progress. It is what the President wants: to redeploy troops responsibly. It is what the American people want: to see our troops safely return. It is what the troops deserve: they want a clear goal for victory. It is what the Iraqis need: their leadership stepping up and taking the reigns.

"When American soldiers have a clear goal for victory, they always achieve it. Secretary Gates understands the urgency and so do I. I will continue to work to make the 1 for 1 legislation the new roadmap for the war in Iraq. We need progress like this to succeed in the War on Terror, and I am committed to making it happen."

Congressman Carney has returned from two weeks of active duty as a Lt. Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserves where he was trained to be a Predator Mission Commander. "I've never been so proud to wear the uniform. The troops have won the war; it is the politicians that have failed to keep the peace."
